Saturday, August 23, 2008

Clueless In Kaua'i!

OK...every time I try to add the 2008 bead button to my blog, it just takes me back here! Would someone please explain how this clueless wonder can get it over to my blog?!
Warmest aloha,


GraceBeading said...

Hi CC - I have a blogspot account as well, here's what I did:

First - open up 3 pages/browsers --> your blog, the BJP website and the BJP blog site.

Right click on the BJP button/picture on the BJP blog and 'save image as' - pick somewhere you will easily find it later when you're ready to upload it to your blog. I use my desktop

Next, go to your blog and click 'layout', make sure you are on the 'page elements' page. Then 'add a gadget' to the section you want to see the button. In the 'link' box add the address of the BJP website --> since you have it open, you can go to that page and copy the address beginning with www (highlight, right click and 'copy'). Go back to your blog page and paste the address in the link box.

For the image (from your computer) --> click browse and find where you saved the button/picture on your computer.

Click 'save' and you should see it now on your blog correctly linked to the BJP webpage.

There may be an easier way of doing it - but that's how I did it for mine. I hope it helps you.

Bead Journal Project 2010 said...

That's exactly the right way to do it - thanks for your help Grace.
