Thursday, January 22, 2009

November page is up!

My page for November is up on my blog. I should have December up in a few days, and will re-post here again when I do.

I also have a question for those of you in the know about such things. How do you add a clickable link in a comment? I've tried and tried and have not been successful. Any light you can shed on how that's done would be much appreciated!

Thank you all for the continued inspiration!


Mary Timme said...

Oh something I can actually help with for a change. You need to have two windows open. One with the link you want make clickable and one with your post.
On the window with your post got to the html tag, and find in your post the words you want to use for the link, and highlight the words then click on the hyperlink symbol on top of the html portion of the screen. A box will appear. Bring up your other window, left click on the title to highlight it and then right click to make it come up with copy and left click on the word 'Copy'. Go back to your html window and click on your window box in the mostly blank area and then right click and left click on paste as it appears. Then click on OK and you should be done and have a workable link. Blogger does all the coding for you that way.

Hope that helps.

Robin said...

Hi Grace ~ Mary is quite correct about how to add a link to a post, but I think you are actually wanting to know how to add a link to your COMMENT... right?

OK, you have to write HTML code, but it's not at all difficult. Here's how to do it.

1. Identify the word or phrase you want to be the link.
2. In front of the word or phrase, type this: < a href="">
(Do not leave a space between the < and the letter a)
3. Behind the word or phrase, type this: < /a>
(Do not leave a space between the < and the slash sign)
4. Place your cursor between the two "s and type (or paste) the URL to which you want to link.

That's all. You're done and it will be a link. This works in blogger. I do not know if it works in typepad or wordpress.

PS I had to put in an extra space in the code, otherwise Blogger would think my example was code and it would not show as text.

PSS Here are a couple other codes you can use. Again, leave out the extra space after the <

< b>bold text here< /b>
< i>italic text here< /i>

Have fun!...Robin A.

GraceBeading said...

Thank you so much! I'm off to try it.

GraceBeading said...

Robin... I finally tried it and it WORKED!!! I feel SO smart, thank you!