Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday update

19 more participants for the 2010 BJP since Monday the 5th to report this morning... Once again, if you are not receiving your confirmations, be sure to check your email spam filter. AND, if you have sent your registration in and have not received a confirmation from me within the next day, be sure to email me and ask if I got it. :) my email is

Anyway, the 19 for today are:

Texas: 1
Washington: 4
NSW Australia: 2
California: 1
Michigan: 2
Ohio: 1
Minnesota: 1
Arizona: 2
Illinois: 1
New Zealand: 1
New Mexico: 2
Georgia: 1

I am seeing LOTS of registrants who learn about us from friends and word of mouth. Perhaps you can talk to your friends too? Soon I will do a total of new participants versus returning participants. Returning participants, do not forget you need to send all the information to me again to join the 2010 BJP!!!

Our total registration so far: 94 !!!

Have a wonderfully creative and beadiful week, everyone!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Thanks for posting the updates, Pam!!! You ARE and angel!!! Love the beady picture too. These updates on all our blogs will help to keep the long registration period "alive." I know this one reminded me that I needed to send you my registration... and now I've done it... Ah-ha! I'm in for another year!!!

Robin A.